Today, I woke up early and spent the first hour of my day scrolling through Instagram and Tiktok, in no hurry to make any productive movement. After awhile, I decided to call home to catch up with my family through a low-res video call.
When hunger kicked in, I finally rolled out of bed to make myself coffee. I put on the laundry while I wait for the water to boil. I carried my Kindle to the kitchen and vowed to finish a book I was struggling to read. Suddenly remembered that I had an IPL schedule and rushed to shower, only to have the appointment moved. Then I cooked myself lunch and soon after the afternoon breeze (it’s chilly today) lulled me to a nap when all I wanted to do was read. Was supposed to go for an evening run with friends, but it was raining so I found myself writing here instead.
Spending my Saturday in no hurry and in such leisurely manner made me realize that lately life has been good. Still far from perfect, but still so good.
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