December is the month of big spendings and depleted savings.
December has always been the most stressful month, since in this month, you have to wrap up a year’s worth of work, do some Christmas shopping, and worry about dance rehearsals for your company’s party. So just like any normal girl, I turn to food and shopping when stress becomes a bit too much. Good thing December also means trips to cheap shopping places such as Divisoria and St. Francis’s Square! My two favorite places right because everything’s just cheap and you can haggle to your heart’s content.
So, below are my shopping finds. When I laid it down like that, I realized that I did shop too much. Then I console myself by thinking that all of it would amount to one dress from a signature brand. Then I no longer feel guilty.
Loose blouse (P100) each
What-is-that-print blouse (P100) | Blue green sleeveless top (P200)
Polka dot jumpsuit (P100)
Anne Taylor overrun blouse (P150) each – favorite purchase! hee
Dresses from L-R: Blue printed dress (P250) + Red dress/jumpsuit (P290) + Floral dress (P350)
Gifts from mommy! Yay! 🙂
Denim shorts 2 for (P150)
Rings 3 for (P100) – kind of wish I bought more!
Necklaces 2 for (P160)
Pink shoes (P250)
I have no idea what kind of shoes this pair is but I love it.
Parisian platforms (P499)
Originally P999 but I got 50% off and I used GC to buy this so double yay!
When you regularly buy in places like Divisoria and St. Francis’s Square, buying online or anywhere tends to be ridiculous. If you know you could get it for a much lower price in other places, then it’s just silly to buy anywhere else. I think I’ll always be kuripot and to end up being friends with people who are more kuripot than I am is a blessing.
It’s saddening to shop at 168 shopping mall lately, though, because many clothes are way too pricey. I mean, a blouse with no brand for P500+? No thanks. I won’t go past P300 for a blous, and I’d only pay P300 if the quality’s really good. Anway…
I think I won’t be shopping anytime soon unless someone want to take me on a shopping spree and pay for everything. I really won’t say no to free stuff.
P.S. Dear stranger who might end up reading this post, I am not a seller of any item in this post. (Though I’d love to be one!) I also don’t live near divisoria though I’m only 2 jeepney rides away. I am not always up-to-date with the latest goods in Divisoria. So please forgive me if I won’t be able to answer your questions, like what happened in my previous Divisoria post. That is all. Thank you.
Ang girly. Ang cute. 🙂
Well, that’s me. Girly! Hahaha 🙂