The worst way to spend the first day of the month that falls on a Saturday is by going to work. And that’s sadly what happened.
On September 1, instead of welcoming the Ber months with a smile and excitement, my officemates and I spent it cramming some more work for August. It was already September but our mindset was still on August. We had a couple of emergency day offs due to the typhoon last month so we had to offset a couple of Saturdays. The last one was last saturday ,and I’m just glad that it’s all over.
August was the month that I got so lazy at work that I had to cram everything on the last couple of days. I do not want to go through that torture again. Overt-time work for consecutive days? Waking up and feeling like an 80-year-old person? Feeling so tired you could collapse just by sitting? Definitely not me. So yes, I promise to work hard the first few days of September so I could finally relax as the last week rolls by. That’s the plan, anyway.
So last Saturday, my officemates and I spent the first day of September at the office. We were working on adrenaline rush during the morning, but once the clock hit 12PM, we were just happy to throw our hands in the air and say hello to September. We could finally smile and just laugh and eat and work at a minimum.
It’s been a while since we had a lunch out and after debating in the middle of the sidewalk, we settled for KFC. I definitely mind working on a Saturday, but I do not mind spending it with these people.
Buboy, one of my officemates, treated us to some Korean ice cream after lunch! I wish days like this would happen more often. Eating Korean ice cream everyday doesn’t really fit my budget, so I’m hoping that more good souls would think of treating me to one every now and then. *cough*Kuya Abel*cough*
Here’s to hoping that September would be an easier month to tread. I definitely hope that I won’t be as stressed out. I’m having a pimple break-out since I had a tough and stressful week! But I’m definitely keeping my happy hat on. I started this month on a high spirit, so let’s continue it at that way.
P.S. All photos are from my friends’ iPhone, iPad, Blackberry. These photos further convinced me that I need (want!) a phone with a good camera. In short, I should seriously consider getting myself an iPhone. /wails
Yeah, feeling the same too Jane! Na gusto ko high spirit ako this Sept! Ang sama ng pasok ng Agosto ko!
I agree on the Korean ice cream treat out. *cough*Kuya Abel*cough*
Ang hirap nga lang kumbinsihin ni Kuya Abel eh. Di madaan sa pagpapacute o pamimilit. Wahaha 🙂
I-petisyon natin yan lol!
Lezz do that! Haha